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Flash Cards
Learn Biblical Hebrew and Greek!

Audio Bible
Multiple translations including Spanish!

Read and listen to books removed from the 1611 KJV Bible

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In-depth Exegesis & Study Tools
Interlinear • Strong's Concordance • Commentary • Parallel • Topical Index Search • Manuscripts

10 translations, Audio, KJV+Apocrypha!
Only $11.99/Year! Offer Ends Soon!
Billed securely through PayPal. No PayPal account required.


Personalized Bible Tracking

Your reading journey is uniquely yours. See exactly how much of the Bible you've read with detailed percentage tracking. Watch your progress grow as you move through chapters and books giving you a comprehensive view of your study habits.

Sample audio report from BLUE STONE BIBLE

(click play to listen)

BLUE STONE BIBLE automatically saves your progress as you read!

Save Notes, Highlights and Bookmarks

Never lose your important ideas and revelations!

When you need personal inspiration or guidance all your ideas and insights are neatly organized in one place, accessible from any device. Our intuitive tools help you easily take notes, hightlight meaningful passages and bookmark your favorite scriptures as you read. Attach notes to specific verses for quick reference.

Search Your Saved Notes For Inspiration

Save Highlights In Multiple Translations Including Apocrypha!

Hebrew manuscript

Greek manuscript

Flash Cards

Master Biblical Hebrew and Greek!

Our interactive Flash Cards help you learn and pronounce Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words effectively.

Try it out!

Can you pronounce the Hebrew word on the Flash Card below?

Click the card to reveal the answer. Then click the speaker icon to hear the pronunciation


(click to reveal answer)



Strong's H430
Tranliteration: ʼĕlôhîym
Part of Speech:

All Biblical Greek and Hebrew words included!

Exclusive! Synchronized Flash Cards

Why is this important?

Our Flash Cards are "synchronized" or displayed in the order and context in which they appear in Scripture.

We believe synchronization is more intuitive and effective as opposed to randomly displaying Flash Cards. Learning Biblical words in context as they naturally appear will help you understand the grammar.

Click "Show Chart" to display the Greek or Hebrew pronunciation chart. This is helpful if you are a beginner and new to the Biblical languages.

Our goal is to make learning the original languages of the Bible fun and effective!

Audio Bible with Read-Along

Immerse Yourself in Scripture

Enjoy the flexibility of listening to any chapter of the Bible, anytime and anywhere. Enhance your Bible study and stay connected to the Living Word with our convenient Bible audio feature. Listen to your favorite passages and bring the text to life!

Play the sample video below to listen and Read-Along!

(click the play button to start video)

Audio Bible and Read-Along available in 9 translations including the KJV, Apocrypha and Spanish!

List of Audio Bible Translations

(this list is updated frequently as we add more manuscripts and translations, so check back periodically.)

King James Version (KJV)

The Webster Bible (Webster)

The Bible In Basic English (BBE)

Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

The Darby Bible (Darby)

The Emphasized Bible (Roth)

Reina Valera 1909 (RV1909)

Vulgate (VUL)

The Septuagint (LXX)


Explanations of Scripture Helping You Learn

What is a Biblical Commentary?
A biblical commentary is an in-depth, scholarly analysis and explanation of the Scriptures. Written by theologians and biblical scholars, commentaries provide context, interpretation, and insight into the various books, chapters, and verses of the Bible.

Example commentary on Matthew 2:10

BLUE STONE BIBLE references the public domain source “Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible: Complete 6 Vol.” Published in 1706.

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in commentaries or any other source we provide are not necessarily the views of BLUE STONE BIBLE. Sources are provided as a reference to give you different perspectives and the scholarly consensus. Use your discretion on what doctrine is true for you.

Interlinear with Strong's Concordance

Explore the Depths of Scripture

Unlock the rich meanings behind the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words of the Bible with our Interlinear and Strong's Lexicon.

Select "Interlinear" from the Verse Menu and click the Strong's Concordance number of the word you want to research

View the definitions, etymology, grammar and pronunciation. To Cross Reference Click "Translations and Verse Count"

Compare the different contexts and how many translations were used for each word


Explore the Aporcrypha

The Apocrypha is a collection of books removed from the original 1611 edition of the King James Version (KJV) Bible. For 274 years these books remained between the Old and New Testament until they were removed from the canon in 1885.

Explore the rich narratives, wisdom, and historical accounts found in the Apocrypha which include the following books:

The Apocrypha books are seamlessly integrated directly into the BLUE STONE BIBLE app. Track your progress, highlight, bookmark, and add notes in the Apocrypha, just like you do with the rest of the Bible. Gain spiritual insights that will deepen your understanding of the traditional canon.

Original Manuscripts

Uncover Additional Insights

Experience the Bible in its most authentic form with our Original Manuscripts feature. View the original manuscripts, including the Septuagint, Textus Receptus, Vulgate, WLC Leningrad Codex, and Ethiopian Geez script, alongside your Bible verses.

Example: (using the actual app screenshot below) While reading Exodus 24:10 click on "Manuscripts" from the Verse Menu

Next you will see, in the screenshot above, the original Hebrew manuscript for Exodus 24:10 displayed. The following are actual manuscript results from the BLUE STONE BIBLE app:


The Septuagint: LXX

Amharic Holy Bible
Ethiopian, Amharic Ge'ez Script

Deepen your connection to the Scriptures by exploring the Bible through the lens of its original manuscripts.

Manuscripts and Translations Available with BLUE STONE BIBLE

(this list is updated frequently as we add more manuscripts and translations, so check back periodically.)


King James Version (KJV)

Amharic Holy Bible
Ethiopian, Amharic/Ge'ez Script
(available in Verse Menu)

The Webster Bible (Webster)

The Bible In Basic English (BBE)

Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

The Darby Bible (Darby)

The Emphasized Bible (Roth)

Reina Valera 1909 (RV1909)


Vulgate (VUL)

The Westminster Leningrad Codex (WLC)

The Septuagint (LXX)

Textus Receptus
(available in Verse Menu)

Blue Stone Bible App Logo

Additional Features Include:

  • Parallel Verse Search
  • Topical Index Search
  • Searchable Notes
  • Search History
  • Resume Last Activities

Enjoy on Multiple Devices!

All These Features and More Only $11.99/Year!


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Billed securely through PayPal. No PayPal account required.

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DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in commentaries, public domain texts or any other source we provide are not necessarily the views of BLUE STONE BIBLE. Sources are provided as a reference to give you different perspectives and the scholarly consensus. Use your discretion on what doctrine is true for you.

No parts of BLUE STONE BIBLE or may be used, reproduced, or distributed without written permission of an authorized representative of BLUE STONE BIBLE or